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Shaptharishi Research & Medical Foundation

Dr. S.S.Manikandan, managing Trustee of Shaptharishi Research And Medical Foundation, a registered Public charitable trust with a main object ,“ To work for the eradication and prevention of the diseases like Aids, All types of Cancer, Hepatitis , Genetic and other dreadful diseases through integrated treatment of medicine".

Please keep +91 before the number when you dial.
  • No.20, North Usman Road WCF Hospital (Near Reliance Fresh) T. Nagar, - 600017.

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HIV/AIDS Treatment in Chennai: Human Immuno Virus – H.I.V. is projected to infect 40 million persons by the turn of this century. A unique feature that differentiates this human immunodeficiency virus infections from other persistent viral diseases, by causing progressive dysfunction and by the depletion of the CD-4 T-Cells, HIV subverts the ability of the host to mount an adequate response over time, this HIV induced depletion of CD-4 T-Cells leads to the collapse of the immune response and life threatening immunodeficiency. A critical element in the successful treatment of HIV infection involves the administration of Nucleoside analogues that have antiretroviral activity. Although these drugs have improved survival times, they do not half the progressive destruction of the immune system that characterizes HIV infection. Any design of a comprehensive drug regime for therapeutic strategy for HIV infection must focus on blocking viral replication and in restoring the immuno-competence. There are many Therapies that are being studied worldwide to half the spread of this viral infection. The complete cure to this infection been elusive so far. Dr.S.S.Manikandan a specialist in Alternative Medicine has been successful in formulating a combination of basic minerals and metal substrates in nontoxic form to create a new kind of drug that has been tested and proved to block the HIV infection and to restore the immuno-competence. It has been established that the drug has antiviral properties and are comparably far better than most of the available drugs studies of the drug was conducted at a chemical research center in Italy and University of Madras at Dr.ALM PG Institute of Basic Medical Sciences FABMS., Taramani, Chennai has revealed that the antiviral properties are better compared to the other drugs available. SHAPTHA THERAPY has been successful in completely eliminating the HIV infection from the human body. Dr.S.S.Manikandan has treated more than 1700 families till date he is capable of controlling HIV infected patients and has brought RT.PCR negative by curing the patients. Siddha drugs are a viable alternative as they remove many of these obstacles. These drugs when used along with a strict dietary regimen promise excellent results.
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Breast Cancer Treatment in Chennai: Breast Cancer is a disease that affects a person not just physically, but psychologically too. Present medical options utilize expensive drugs. Further, these drugs have a number of side-effects making life, living hell. These drawbacks make it necessary to explore alternative treatment options. The drugs given for cancer patients had been prepared by an ancient documented method, prepared by the Shaptharashi Medical and Research foundation, Chennai, an oriental institution in the field of Siddha Medicine and claimed by Dr. S.S.Manikandan, Managing Director and practitioner and S.S. Ayyappan, Vaidhiyar expert siddha drug processor. Anticancer activity of Shapthajala (Liquid) has been subjected to in vitro studies for cytotoxicity. The test was Conducted by Shaptharishi Research & Medical Foundation with Association at Campus of King Institute for Preventing Medicine premises at Guindy King Institute, Government of Tamilnadu recognized by WHO. The study has proved anticancer activity, anti proliferative activity against in vitro cancer specimens. Dr.S.S.Manikandan has treated more than 1500 cancer patients till date he is capable of controlling any type of cancer tumour and has cured patients. Further, these drugs can be used for different types of cancer. Siddha drugs are a viable alternative as they remove many of these obstacles. These drugs when used along with a strict dietary regimen promise excellent results.
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