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Shaptharishi Foundation


    Since the days of chola dynasty some 500 year this family inherited this traditional siddha mystic medicines; the last three generations from Shaptharishi Research and Medical Foundation was formed bythe Shaptharishi family in the year 1997. They wished to continue their siddhamedicinal system for the treatment of various ailments. In particular, the focus was to eradicate and prevent the spread of diseases such as AIDS, Cancerand and Hepatitis..The foundation based its medicines on the ancient system of Siddha medicine. Contemporary and close associate of Dr. Rangachari the famous ‘Flying Surgeon’ and they treated British Royal family including KingGeorge V, Churchill, Trueman and others. The practices and procedures for the preparation of these drugs have been handed over through generations. During the 19th century (late) 1865-1975, Dr. Shaptharishi Mudaliar was one of the first practitioners  to integrate this medicine with allopathic Vitamin-Minerals support  therapy and successfully treated a number of patients. This work was later carried on by his son (late) 1915-1997  Dr. V.S. Subramaniam, LIM, retired Civil Asst.Surgeon, Freedom Fighter INA member, Physician to Subash Chandran bose, Raaji,Kamaraj, Caption Lakshmi INA and Anna. His Research work to synchronise this siddha with modern allopathic drugs. It  later went on to his twin sons, Dr.S.S.Manikandan and  S.S. Ayyappan Vaidhiyar. Currently Dr.S.S.Manikandan, M.D.[A], M.S(Som Germany) a qualified practitioner and research scholar in Siddha, Herbal, Homeopathy, Ayurvedha and the other alternative type of medicine, uses the Siddha Medicines, in conjunction with allopathic modern approach to spread the work of the foundation. He also serves as the managing trustee of the foundation since its inception. He is also a member of various international organizations such as the International Society of Herbal Medicine, International German Homeopathic  Society, Fellow with Commonwealth Institute of Acupuncture and the International Society Of Alternative Medicine and MMCPharma Fellow [Chennai]. S.S.AYYAPPAN Traditional Siddha Vaidhiyar specialized inmanufacture of Navapashanam, Jai Neer, Nava Metal Drugs and Herbo Mineralscompound using ancient  Kalvam grindingand with Pudam, trained by his grand father &  father. He is assisting Dr.S.S. Manikandan his twin brother in Development of new combinations of drugs. 

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